2006年11月2日 星期四


     假日的早晨, 懶洋洋的在書房上網, 忽然從客廳傳來悅耳的歌聲, 咬字清晰, 音域沉厚圓融, 到底是誰在唱歌?

走到客廳, 發覺原來是電視的假日節目 -- 《漫步人生路》, 酒廊歌手的演唱會, 唱歌的正是黑妹……

黑妹是誰? 我一直沒注意有這麼一個歌手呢, 她一連唱了好幾首別人的歌 -- 郊道、少女慈憘、千個太陽……

我就這樣坐下來看了這個特備節目, 享受了這麼一個難得的假日上午。

我的確被吸引了, 要不我才不會花時間 “看電視” 呢!

那是久違了的 “人情練達” -- 這些酒廊歌手都是上了年紀的中年人, 與紛絲像老朋友般的聊天, 又很會攪氣氛, 剛好是春節演唱會, 不少紛絲走上台派利是, 黑妹會親暱的叫年長的女紛絲為 “家姐”; 然而, 這都不是 “戲肉” , 交出真工夫才是最實在。

演出者能把別人的歌曲演繹得恰如其份, 交足功課, 大家享受一個既歡樂又有水平的演唱會, 帶著餘韻回家, 這才最重要。

我聽過最好聽的歌聲, 都不是什麼知名歌星所唱的。

那年在台北, 一家民歌餐廳, 聽過一個男生, 彈著結他, 深情的唱著 “I'll have to say I love you in a song”, 聲音清純真摰, 直讓你相信他是說著真話, 就在你耳邊輕輕的說出這麼一句話, 只有你聽到。

動人的歌聲, 是真的會動人心弦的, 且常留心間……

 "I'll have to say I love you in a song"

Well, I know it's kinda late, I hope I didn't wake you
What I gotta say can't wait, I know you'd understand'Cause every time I tried to tell you, the words just came out wrong
So I'll have to say I love you, in a songYeah, 
I know it's kinda strange, every time I'm near you
I just run out of things to say, I know you'd understand'Cause every time I try to tell you, 
the words just came out wrong
So I have to say I love you, 
in a song'Cause every time the time was right all the words just came out wrong
So I'll have to say I love you, in a songYeah, 
I know it's kinda late, 
I hope I didn't wake youBut there's something that I just gotta say, 
I know you'd understandEvery time I tried to tell you, the words just came out wrongSo I'll have to say I love you, in a song

2 則留言:

  1. 其實有時候一個人唱歌好與不好,與其投入程度亦有莫大的關係。

  2. M&Ms, 對呀, 投入的唱歌, 才有忘我的喜悅!
